Anti-Sexual Harassment Council

        An ASH Council shall be constituted in each of the constituent universities (CUS). The ASH Council shall be composed of:

(a.) the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the Vice Chancellor for Administration, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and other Vice-Chancellors, or equivalent officials;

(b.) one representative each from the teaching and non-teaching personnel, and students, who shall be appointed by the Chancellor in consultation with their respective sectors, for a term of one academic year each; Provided, that the exclusive bargaining representative of the teaching and non-teaching personnel shall be accorded representation.

(c.) the Director/Coordinator of the Women’s Studies Center/Gender Office; and

(d.) the Coordinator of the OASH, who shall be a non-voting member.

        The Committee shall be headed by a Vice Chancellor who will serve as Chairperson on a rotating basis with the other Vice Chancellors.

        The ASH Council shall be responsible for the following:

(a.) serve as the oversight committee of the Office of Anti-Sexual Harassment (OASH);

(b.) determine whether a prima facie case of sexual harassment exists before giving due course to the complaint;

(c.) recommend the constitution of Hearing Committees to hear and resolve cases with members drawn from a pool of nominees; and,

(d.) perform such other tasks that the Chancellor will assign or delegate.

Prof. Jerwin Agpaoa

• Chairperson, ASH Council
• Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs
• Faculty, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy 

Prof. Evangeline C. Amor, PhD

• Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs
• Faculty, College of Science

Prof. Fidel R. Nemenzo, DSc

• Vice-Chancellor forResearch and Development
• Faculty, College of Science

Prof. Nancy Kimuell-Gabriel, PhD

• Coordinator, UP Diliman Gender Office
• Faculty, College of Arts and Letters

Prof. Mary Grace Concepcion

• Teaching Representative
• Faculty, College of Arts and Letters

Nurse Grace G. Santos

Non-teaching Representative
• Staff, University Health Service

Mr. Sean Angelo Thakur

• Student Representative
• Chairperson, University Student Council

Prof. Teresa Paula S. De Luna, PhD

• Coordinator, Office of Anti-Sexual Harassment
• Faculty, College of Arts and Letters